Less than three weeks to go......
Here's a quick run down on our remaining schedule for this 9 month adventure.
Week One:
Dennis got his computer questions answered by brother William last night. Now he has virus protection! (see picture) Dennis didn't really think the sign would keep out any viruses so they had to download something from the internet. :) He also has his bike broken down and it is weighed and measured for a box. Victor may want to take the golf clubs...........
Also this week I am hoping to get some help in preparing the house and yard for more guests from Tanzania and Nigeria. They are the teachers who will be escorting the students home and they will be dining with us Friday night. Other things on the calendar- state track in Des Moines, a special soccer team night, and a youth group party.
Week Two:
District soccer game in Perry. Going away party here at our house. Final exams. Possible community service at Bible camp. Trip to Michigan with siblings to see new niece over Memorial Day weekend. This will be a mini vacation complete with golfing (real and miniature), cookouts, and beach time. Of course we will also take turns holding baby Natalie!
Week Three:
Is really only 4 days by the time we get home from Michigan Monday night. On the agenda: the zoo, visiting Dad's office, shopping, packing, finishing memory books, printing pictures, saying goodbyes to family members, and trying not to cry.
You can see why I may not get another post written until after my African sons leave on June 4. Hard to believe this adventure is coming to an end.
sad for you mom, but encouraged that I might have as much love in me as you do... if genetics has anything to do with it :) or, I don't know, maybe being around you for 18 years rubbed off.... either way I hope I've got what you've got to give :)