Here is what I know about their prom experience so far:
*Decorating was both frustrating (decisions left to the last minute, less than cooperative committee members) and fun (judging by some of the pictures)- Victor
*Decorating took too much time from class work- Dennis
*Suits are uncomfortable- Dennis
*I will be happy to iron our new shirts- Victor
*I'm kind of glad I went- Dennis
*Yes, I had a lot of fun- Victor
*This corsage cost how much??- Victor
*No one tripped on their way across the stage during the Grand March (the only part of the evening that I actually saw).
*Both boys looked absolutely dashing, and knew how to hold their arm to make their date feel secure (one of my pet peeves which I was worried about because I forgot to talk to them about it).
*Both boys lasted for the entire evening (morning), stayed home from church, and woke up hungry.
*Both boys are relieved that it is over and that mom will stop discussing endless details that they don't understand.
*Best part: Playing the football game at the Y (Victor); The Dance (Dennis)
*Something surprising: The expensive gifts at the end of the night (Victor); How much space my date's dress took up in the car (Dennis)
*Something not so great: Nothing (Victor); All the class time that was wasted last week (guess who?)
That's all I've got for now- maybe more later as I continue to try to drag details out of them. Next up: 6:00 AM soccer practice tomorrow morning, followed by a game 1.5 hours away!
favorite bullet-
ReplyDeletesomething surprising: how much space my date's dress took up in the car (Dennis)