3 according to the American girl; dreamed of since elementary school, planned for all year, dates manipulated for months and daily shared with friends, (read the word D R A M A), and of course SHOPPING!
4 according to the African boy; unknown big event to be endured in uncomfortable clothes with someone of the opposite sex that jumped up and down, squealed, and announced it to the world when he said he would go with her (read C O N F U S E D and S C A R E D).
The dates are decided (see above) so now it's time to think ahead a bit about the rest of it.
Issue #1:
Fancy Clothes.
Answer #1:
Thrift store suits that my husband is already looking for.
Issue #2:
Answer #2:
One son has a double date. Still working on the other one. Maybe his date has a car.
Issue #3:
We haven't even discussed flowers or schedules or.......the GRAND MARCH. Never mind. We'll take baby steps to avoid more confusion.
(read N E E D T O K N O W B A S I S).
I'll keep you updated.
haha what a great experience! The boys are lucky to have such a knowledgeable family on their side!